Thursday, September 19, 2024

Daily Archives: August 11, 2024

The ARC American Racing Channel Irish EBF Fillies Juvenile Race –...

1st. PURPLE, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap 4. Falling Snow; Drawn: 5; R: G.M. Ryan; T: Donnacha Aidan O'Brien; 8 - 11...
Marco Arop smiles with the Canadian flag flowing behind him

Silver for Marco Arop wraps up Day 15 in athletics for...

Mark Blinch/COC August 10, 2024 On the final full day of competition at Paris 2024, there were a few last hurrahs for Team Canada...
Off-field cricket ‘rituals’ - The Hindu

Off-field cricket ‘rituals’ – The Hindu

India is a land of cricket-crazy fans. | Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto It is a relief that India won the T20 World Cup. Had India...
The remarkable story behind an 80-year-old driving Michael Schumacher'...

The remarkable story behind an 80-year-old driving Michael Schumacher’…

Yesterday at 10:04Alongside David Coulthard's demo runs, the Ferrari 310B turned out to be one of the main attractions at The Racing Day...

Football: Soccer-Relentless Real Madrid the team to beat in Mbappe’s debut...

Football: Soccer-Relentless Real Madrid the team to beat in Mbappe's debut season The Star Online Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMixAFBVV95cUxOczgyelV2aV9tdTItY3VIOV81LTl6aU5tbTBUZ0p5ME1wRkg0d0xmanM0TU5BZlU3dWV2dnJ0WnBXTEFRVUFzQ0xaX1JQMDhrazVjdUc0LWVTcF9sa00tWVFna3Z4N3hQTV9vamphZjB1Y1VIWXhXNklFd0lLVEJ3bnMxRUdFSmJtZFRITlVRT3FBZm1VWV94X1RyZXgwQ0FlSW11elduOEtzTHV1SVB4UHh5SXNsb2NDOVBfWlh0UWJ4MXM3?oc=5 Author : Publish date...

Tennis Rumor: Injury Scare for Jannik Sinner as Concerning Scenes Display...

Tennis Rumor: Injury Scare for Jannik Sinner as Concerning Scenes Display Struggles Against Andrey Rublev at Montreal EssentiallySports Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi-wFBVV95cUxOZk1XcUlwOHRxanc4R2ozMUczV1VuOTJ3Zk9iYnlfUVNsY1BqVFg5OGZjdTF4bUkxTjJkTFF5N0IzQmhBWFNicGlCSjRndk1UVF9YTVEtcGJpVlZjVmpBUGdROThSMmNmTmxFMGdnZEktREd1RVBNbjlVNFZLcGI0UmNDelhiemlTYzhaSjlWNDZ0MzVLanJHdVJHXzBGYWdkQkdYWjRQa2lKYm1aU0poLXhua0lWRzVCVU1waWRXYlcwaVYyT05ZbmhZc0tGTV9od0VsVzZQdEFTRVhVeDRPZWVLby1oZG1LQVVqN1E5M1hOVDNqei1DUGxQQQ?oc=5 Author :...

Challenge Aspen to host golf tournament at Snowmass Club on Monday...

Challenge Aspen to host golf tournament at Snowmass Club on Monday The Aspen Times Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikwFBVV95cUxNMnRGYVJLVHJ6WEFWcWVQYXYwdHJ2NEcxXy02RmdXcTVFaWQ3dGVBRmlMczJETk9UeXNaRVd2eG5TbDRlTE0tSU5YNUxiSDdUVi1kRlNmby1rS083c3p4Y1lQcGZwNTU2TFlNeHA2R3RXcjdtYmNrQlQwcHdzOUQ2czJCUW1EWGpoWXUtb1lsQVRvLTA?oc=5 Author : Publish date :...

Xian Grand Prix Outrights | Snooker Futures Betting Odds – BetUS

Snooker · Snooker Futures; Xian Grand Prix Outrights. Snooker Futures. Refresh. Xi'an Grand Prix Outrights. Sun, Aug 18, 2024 EST. Rot, To Win...
Dave Campbell's Olympics Trivia! - Cycling West

Dave Campbell’s Olympics Trivia! – Cycling West

Paris hosts the Olympic Games this summer, beginning July 27 and running through August 11. 514 athletes will contest the cycling events, split...

Touchy looks for breakthrough in Saratoga Special  – Saratogian

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. — Eight of the nine juveniles in today’s Grade 2 Saratoga Special have maiden victories to their credit. The ninth,...

Former UK Athletics coach Rana Reider alleged to have raped teenager...

One of the world’s leading athletics coaches, who previously worked for the governing body in the UK, is facing a historical allegation that...
Evans takes catch while live on air

Evans takes catch while live on air

Southern Brave's Laurie Evans takes a catch while live on the BBC. Source link : https://www.bbc.com/sport/cricket/videos/c15g9v7j0p5o Author : Publish date : 2024-08-10 22:13:32 Copyright for...
News F1 logo

F1 News – Antonelli confessa: “non ho paura di essere giudicato”

F1 News Kimi Antonelli – Nonostante il suo debutto in Formula 1 come pilota Mercedes per il 2025 debba ancora essere annunciato, pochi...

Football: Soccer-Inter’s Inzaghi adds options to the engine room ahead of...

Football: Soccer-Inter's Inzaghi adds options to the engine room ahead of title defence The Star Online Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizAFBVV95cUxPYll4TUhidmZ2clJjanZjWDYzTVE4VFAxTE1vbjJ6M1owQjduT1VsdG5FenZXUGhDRVI2cmM4RlRPNjhZMzBtcm53Z3UxUmxWRTVhbTBFVFBUdmozSDhKMjNVaTRobXlhbnp3WFVwaHlvRmRneU5SaWRZWEZoTFhRLW1iZG1DVUV4RkVObkRBQmQtNjNXM0dCVEJoTzI2YVFic3I3bjNWNUx5NEFUQ2hWNmxiOUUzSGlDeHgzemlRekljYmF6VGRfZ2VYV3Q?oc=5 Author : Publish...

Ram/Salisbury beat Medvedev/Safiullin in Montreal doubles QFs – ATP Tour

Ram/Salisbury beat Medvedev/Safiullin in Montreal doubles QFs ATP Tour Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikwFBVV95cUxNT1ZhcWRMSkYwNm1Val9IMjNaTW9UdlFIMkdKa2F5RTlMd2RJY2N5MXZTUkx6VmV4d1JLMS1zWVJ5bXcyS0x0RHZfSEFsM1lkWkVfSGw3M0hIYUF3N2ZsSEtuU3djT1B6SEdYQm9nWUpoc092cmtha0FLMjRzREhjWjVfSGhBSFV6ZVBIM3R6TkRFTUU?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-11 00:03:34 Copyright for syndicated content...

U.S. Amateur golf tournament returns to Hazeltine for another entry in...

U.S. Amateur golf tournament returns to Hazeltine for another entry in a storied past Star Tribune Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivAFBVV95cUxNbWlMQmw0eDEteTIwTFlqTkNTSmVld0tucHZCc1hPUVRvUTJZWW82N2N3WTR2T0F2TDRINnl6NG8xbXY5azlkQjQ1QzJMUUpSRE5KMm44bVcyZElZSzV2MUpSeVV1d0duREszLUhSTjJBTmJGanhLUmQtTlFWZmppS05jYmM1Szl4Q1g1dGRJczNvVkFjUHVDNzl3R1lpTkJMMEZYS215b09XTV84bEhiZDRPUWZ1WkEtanpSSw?oc=5 Author : Publish...