Thursday, September 19, 2024

Daily Archives: August 10, 2024

The FBD Hotels And Resorts Heritage Hotel Phoenix Sprint Stakes (Group...

Race Time:1:09.16 · Off Time:15:25. Source link : https://www.hri.ie/results/race-result%3Fmeeting-num%3D2024-230%26race%3D1525 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-10 20:37:57 Copyright for syndicated content belongs to the linked Source.

All results, as USA seal eighth consecutive women’s 4x400m relay gold

Team USA stormed to victory in the women's 4x400m relay at Paris 2024 over four seconds ahead of second place, clocking 3:15.30 for...
The Hundred 2024: Birmingham Phoenix survive collapse to beat Welsh Fire

The Hundred 2024: Birmingham Phoenix survive collapse to beat Welsh Fire

Birmingham Phoenix survived a chaotic collapse to edge past Welsh Fire with a five-wicket win at Sophia Gardens. Phoenix were cruising in pursuit...
Trulli in lotta con Fisichella

Coronel: “Sainz vale Fisichella e Trulli, poteva diventare campione” – News

L’opinione del pilota olandese La telenovela relativa a Carlos Sainz si è...

Tottenham Hotspur 2-3 Bayern Munich: Initial reactions and observations – Bavarian...

Tottenham Hotspur 2-3 Bayern Munich: Initial reactions and observations Bavarian Football Works Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi7gFBVV95cUxQN1JRdV9Hcm1PalVwYkpJUEdkQ19teHpKUVQteVdoUkJBZEhmLWlNdzl5OXVtWEdJRy11ZGxFV1NsX1VSeHZFVkVOWXE3QkZIV0t3TGFKcHIxb1FWUXc3N05XQXNpOFlrN0tsZ2E4RVEzV2pEZERwb1NzMDVNTTVLc3Z4eU96T0YyRWFaeE9CVjBPVVotQ3Y1cTlvWVV5b3BHQ0tsWldoVUl6eXZDSzBkWEpzdHgzZW53LW9ZbDF1ZFRDQ0dHbTRmU09QYkNfdXFqNFprXzVSNWpfUzRCczRVNUd6bDdxMWRXLU5NTjJR?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-10 18:36:13 Copyright...

Cincinnati Open 2024: Men’s and Women’s Singles Draws – Tennis Connected

Cincinnati Open 2024: Men’s and Women’s Singles Draws Tennis Connected Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihgFBVV95cUxNVk1XRlkyQVJFVkFQMmVBRzhkQzlWV2p0Y2R4ZFMwRXA5TmRUa3NuUllDN2R4TVN4V0ppaFRncFh3QklLQjl2di1IUmhjRXdGLXlFcnMxbWxBcE9WWGRlRE5NUjlTdXljdGVVWTZOaDduSnBDRnVIWXM3eWlPajRsbHBVWHkzZw?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-10 20:50:27 Copyright for syndicated...

Golf: Woodstock champ Dean is feeling good again following back surgery...

Golf: Woodstock champ Dean is feeling good again following back surgery The Daily Freeman Source link : https://news.google.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?oc=5 Author : Publish date :...

Habib Makes Main Round In Western India Billiards And Snooker |...

Mumbai, Aug 10 (PTI) Seasoned Railways...

Paris Olympics: Dutch team baffled by officials not calling Jack Carlin...

Jack Carlin brought home the bronze medal in the Paris Olympics men's track cycling individual sprint event on Friday, but he did so...

Rain does not deter 6 shippers racing on Arlington Million day

New Kent, Va. With a strong, free-standing fan blowing on his stall in the cavernous receiving barn at Colonial Downs, Nations Pride did not appear...

Beatrice Chebet completes women’s distance double with 10,000m win

Athletics: USA come close to world record to win women's 4x400m relay gold It's time for the last stadium event of the athletics programme:...


... cricket | Bangladesh team | sports news | cricket highlights | cricket strategy | Rawalpindi Stadium | cricket in Pakistan | PCB...
The key ESG highlights from the first half of the 2024 F1 season

The key ESG highlights from the first half of the 2024...

Great Britain F1 welcomed 16 of its Engineering Scholars from the UK and Italy to Silverstone, where they received a full day of unique...

Soccer-Man City beat Man United on penalties to win Community Shield...

Soccer-Man City beat Man United on penalties to win Community Shield MSN Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxPRUFfNW9YOFBtOE0xdDRXdkRfVVBVWWk3dzJ5M0p1WEUyNWJDYUdQUzV4XzhjSHZqS3Z1Vk43YzdEZDNrSXJ3UGthckNDWVNRcWl5NDVBNGxqZUxuazAySGFiQ3laUTdzSzRuN0NhaG1GM1RqRFh3NzV6UW12cnlySGVCdzFvNFRZV1pXN2pJZGRzZVpLMWdoSFJ2Q0tWQzUyamhidjVwVVB4aGZLenpyLWdmZ0ZSMlh6Ul9EUWd3?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-10 19:42:03 Copyright...

Jannik Sinner becomes first player to qualify for 2024 Nitto ATP...

Jannik Sinner becomes first player to qualify for 2024 Nitto ATP Finals ATP Tour Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiAFBVV95cUxQXzRCcWY4NGpRS0d5RHRGam1Qa2tsWk0tQWYyZ1k1blJRcWJWbmNmdTdwMHJUZm9FblRuY0hSMDdFZ0diQzJaWlBWLUNVQlh3elU4a1hZLTZ1UjNiVUJyaVdPaVd4M0ZEWWgwY3hIRlhJWUFSNUk4eWZVa0N4Q0JFQ1RPMTNXbVdI?oc=5 Author : Publish date :...

2024 Evansville Men’s City golf tournament enters final weekend – Courier...

2024 Evansville Men's City golf tournament enters final weekend Courier & Press Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi2wFBVV95cUxPakZOOHZqSTB3aGt6emcwZzNPVHQzS3VEWEU4TlN2eDBWU0FqY2QxUkE0TGtKNi15RHU0aVpEZ0s1NkVEZ1lOTVNNYjFhTENEWXlYZ2g1M1o0VkR2cmE5aVNKcnlZcDZydG9hd0ZvVXc1eHFGRzd3bjBHeGQxX3JfTm5tSjd4YWFtejRKVHNBYUVxY2ZaY3pSUXRZejlvOTBCeDBiQTVEcFhnSUp3Ynptd3pPYkMyWHdWeUJxYnpSYmI4Y2pJZlE0NnpINEMwWjZXTlowenNiOGdxUlU?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-10 19:51:15 Copyright...

Railways Challenger Rafat Habib Advances Into Next Round Beating Nikku Pillai

Seasoned Railways challenger Rafat Habib played with solid determination and managed to overcome Madhya Pradesh’s Nikku Pillai 4-3 (64-18,...
Olympics 2024 cycling race STOPPED immediately after sickening crash leaves rider motionless as medics rush to his aid

Olympics 2024 cycling race STOPPED immediately after sickening crash leaves rider...

OLYMPIC cycling was STOPPED after a horror crash at the national velodrome.During heat 4 of the men's keirin repechanges event on Saturday evening,...

The Racing Again Summer Evening Racing August 23rd Maiden Hurdle –...

The Racing Again Summer Evening Racing August 23rd Maiden Hurdle. Race Time:3:50.4; Off Time:17:00. 231A; 2m; 7 ran. Source link : https://www.hri.ie/results/race-result%3Fmeeting-num%3D2024-231%26race%3D1700 Author : ...

Athletics-Canada win sprint relay as US blow it yet again –...

Canada won the men's Olympic 4x100m relay for the second time on Friday after hot favourites the United States messed up a changeover...