Thursday, September 19, 2024

Daily Archives: August 6, 2024

The Utopia Strong and Konformer come to Manchester in September

The Utopia Strong and Konformer come to Manchester in September

A night of hypnotic electronic music with psychedelic vibes is coming to The Yard in Manchester on Friday 6th September 2024, thanks to The...
Expert Rider Passes Away After Crash at 2024 USA Cycling National Downhill Championships in North Carolina

Expert Rider Passes Away After Crash at 2024 USA Cycling National...

Photo: @pisgahpaparazziExpert class rider Scott Huntley was involved in a serious...

The Punt Acca: Stuart Langley’s three horse racing tips at Catterick...

Three horses to include in a multiple on Tuesday . . .Max Of Stars (3.25 Catterick)Having started her career on the Flat, this...
The journey to becoming a sporting legend

The journey to becoming a sporting legend

Over 20 years of behind-the-scenes footage exploring Andy Murray’s incredible career Source link : https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m00203kt/andy-murray-will-to-win?at_mid=CoshbQlBhz&at_campaign=TLEO_Andy_Murray_Will_To_Win&at_medium=display_ad&at_campaign_type=owned&at_audience_id=SS&at_product=iplayer&at_brand=m00203kt&at_ptr_name=bbc&at_ptr_type=media&at_format=image&at_objective=consumption&at_link_title=TLEO_Andy_Murray_Will_To_Win&at_bbc_team=BBC Author : Publish date : 2024-06-20 05:00:00 Copyright for syndicated...
F1, clamoroso: Newey andrà in Aston Martin

F1, clamoroso: Newey andrà in Aston Martin

Adrian Newey ha scelto Aston Martin. L’accordo verrà annunciato all’inizio di settembre, perché fino a tutto agosto vincoli contrattuali tra il progettista e...

Puskas award contender! Overhead kick goal by Lanus forward Walter Bou...

Puskas award contender! Overhead kick goal by Lanus forward Walter Bou against Tigre Sky Sports Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi1gFBVV95cUxNT0tLTlBFYWNTRmhwR052QXViV3pfLTBTaElsWXNXUDZZaHBVb183UXRCVnRiSGFjUXVBNUZfdDV5S0xSNmRGVEJxQmt6OGJIRmlwcVVGWlBneU5SRHllV1YyUWg0ZTZ6TUdUWFVKeEMzLUdtSVF6UVluOXZ2emNQeGdsVm8ycXA2allobTc4ZzhRM1VJc1dJMllKOHZQTklVNnVld2hXR3R1OEJWbGVQeWZqOWJtVjFLU0ZqRXVaM1FFLVUxN1RhUEVYRHIwSkhwcFVMbE5n?oc=5 Author : Publish date...

ITA Launches New ITA Student-Athlete Mentorship Program – Intercollegiate Tennis Association

ITA Launches New ITA Student-Athlete Mentorship Program Intercollegiate Tennis Association Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinwFBVV95cUxQYnpURjhvNHl2czNFNlNpWlBWemw4NFVkMlM2a3VMeV95eDZLdzZyVV9YUXl0SGRmMUdjTHFmQVQxYjhLSkJXaENFcnFfaGZaNl9sSzRjcmJ0Q2N3OG9hR2VRODBvcVJ2QVN5cVY5UlBlN2hkT2NkUWVlUktqM3FNbk1JZG9TN2ZDdWVXUUNmUkFNRkdWMFNaOTZ6a2QzZkE?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-06 12:50:50 Copyright for syndicated...

Small plane just misses golfer as it crashes into course, video...

Small plane just misses golfer as it crashes into course, video shows The Washington Post Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimwFBVV95cUxQcjhMV05mdzI3bVVWY3lYMnVUVGQzd3FBS0RnNDluRFpxUHRPXzR2S1dZMzVNcW4wc1doMmFSY2JwTW9JaHpyMWk1MlZnYzBjcE4wbU5lbzlpS3VZUlRjZjBNWFEwYlNjOENfdm96RDg3U09nbF92M1RoblRJTC14VzVXdi1GRVhmOVFYcEVhaDk1N3RQZWhLTElPQQ?oc=5 Author : Publish date...

Watch US Open Championships Live | Kayo Sports

2024 Hot Dog Eating Contest. 04 Jul - COMPLETEREPLAY · SNOOKER. Championship League: N21. 03 Jul - COMPLETEREPLAY · SNOOKER. Championship League: D21. Source...


NZ's latest medal winners are Finn Butcher in the kayak cross and Ellessee Andrews, Rebecca Petch and Shaane Fulton in the women's team...

Gardner City Council rejects horse racing at GAAMHA property

The resident-packed Gardner City Hall Council Chamber erupted in applause on Monday evening after the council unanimously rejected a proposal to allow horse...

Paris 2024 Olympics day 11: athletics, skateboarding, speed climbing, cycling and...

Key eventsShow key events onlyPlease turn on JavaScript to use this featureSkateboarding: The athletes from Heat 2 get an introduction. Two Britons in...
Brett D'Oliveira: Worcestershire skipper eyes Championship return

Brett D’Oliveira: Worcestershire skipper eyes Championship return

"It is now what they call defrosting and it's an opportunity for him to get some good work done and to put himself...


... Formula1 #Motorsport. ... Desenvolvimento técnico da F1 NÃO é COERENTE. 404 views · 4 hours ago #DiGrassi #FormulaE #Formula1 ... Source link :...

Pre-season highlights: Liverpool put three past Manchester United – Sky Sports

Pre-season highlights: Liverpool put three past Manchester United Sky Sports Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivAFBVV95cUxOTmlpM296SnJxX05KZFlGRVpEb2JDVWJxa2ZRa3l1dmFYbWI4b3hnTEozN0EyQ280OURKT1FxTHV6ejFCZU1zcldPY0F6emFlYnZUa29lbUVGZDU3R3hZa1pqQXVsYTUwRUpyMHNiaS1EdzJvY3ZGYU9CUzR2a1NjSDdGQkN4dENRcW92dHgzcUVpd3YydWVGRlZZQ01VVU9WYmoxRkpOajF3akNqVndUYVB1TUh2bWhUeVJqRA?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-06 10:58:24 Copyright for syndicated...

History made: Ethan Remy beats brother in first NJ Tourney men’s...

History made: Ethan Remy beats brother in first NJ Tourney men’s final between siblings since 1968 Mansfield News Journal Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi7gFBVV95cUxNd0R2Zm03MWstZjNBb25mMnl2ZUUycHl5V05FVnV4RWl3TTRxWTh4OE1jMHhkc0tVQ3J4NEkwamJ5UVF0Skx2R0ROSXVxM1lmcDBVek9TV2FObUZiVUU4Z0V3Q2JhcF94cTRKUlpXV3hLVXlEaFJxVFZZSlhWNlpTbnp0N2pYZ05ReTY2MEpJbFoxdWI0R1lhZEpXY28zQzdPdlprUFVRd1NQbTZ6TTdpaUgxWmpiWVhyUDNfLVllVG5JVGFPXzlBbC1tZlVjN0x0M3lUZ1o0SU1yRzFIeGNZN1ZoZGVOYzlqRmd3WV93?oc=5 Author...

Women’s golf tournament at 2024 Paris Olympics: round 1 Wednesday tee...

Women’s golf tournament at 2024 Paris Olympics: round 1 Wednesday tee times, groupings AS USA Source link : https://news.google.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?oc=5 Author : Publish date...
Paris Olympics: Great Britain secure gold and new world record in women's Team Sprint

Paris Olympics: Great Britain secure gold and new world record in...

Image 1 of 10Katy Marchant, Sophie Capewell and Emma Finucane of Team Great Britain celebrate as Gold medal winners during the Women's Team...