Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Daily Archives: August 1, 2024

Квалификация British Open 2024. Чжоу, Робертсон и Вафаей сыграют в основной сетке, Лисовски покинул турнир

Квалификация British Open 2024. Чжоу, Робертсон и Вафаей сыграют в основной...

Подводим итоги первых двух игровых дней.  С 31 июля по 3 августа в Лестере проходит отбор на очередной рейтинговый ивент снукерного сезона 2024-25....

3rd Annual Derrick ‘Baby Chav’ Chavarria Fundraiser Cycling Race set for...

He represented Belize at the Under-23 Cycling World Championship Road Race on August 12 in Glasgow, Scotland, and also raced in the Intelligentsia...


... horse race. A rookie trainer and jockey introduce the insanity and speed of Quarter Horse racing. Ontario Racing Unfiltered Season 2: Episode...

UTSA Athletics Launches Roadrunner Rally and Tickets for Troops – UTSA...

SAN ANTONIO – UTSA Athletics on Thursday announced it has launched the Roadrunner Rally and Tickets for Troops donation programs. Click here to donate...
Sri Lanka Cricket Women Team Set For Historic Tour Of Ireland

Sri Lanka Cricket Women Team Set For Historic Tour Of Ireland

By Mohamed BahaaThe Sri Lankan women's cricket team, fresh from their Asia Cup victory, is scheduled to embark on a historic tour to...
レッドブル・リングのパドックを歩くレッドブル・レーシングのスポーティングディレクター、ジョナサン・ウィートリー、2024年6月28日(金) F1オーストリアGP

アウディF1、ウィートリーとビノットの「デュアル監督体制」採用 – Formula1-Data

ザウバー/アウディによるとジョナサン・ウィートリーは、COO兼CTOのマッティア・ビノットと共にサウバー・モータースポーツAGで「デュアル監督体制」を ... Source link : https://formula1-data.com/article/audi-f1-implements-dual-leadership-wheatley-and-binotto Author : Publish date : 2024-08-01 22:43:31 Copyright for syndicated content belongs to the linked Source.

UAB Athletics releases tickets for football, three other fall sports –...

UAB Athletics releases tickets for football, three other fall sports WBRC Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinAFBVV95cUxNUTVNcEV5U0xFbHlxMkZrMUs2WkNDUTY2WTRwQ2lJQmNVdE9CeW1yQktGUzdpVUhSTVItbzVNaDk2X3E0NW9ZdlNLTzNUb0ZXSFhMOTZVVHFuUk1wOWpicGp4cTZ5cTgybW1qT2x3cFI2Rl9jWDhVcGphYlJfOUJKUEx1cmdCcHZXWVdST2dIUXlfb2NhVGZaTVhpM1fSAbABQVVfeXFMTVkzOWQ0WmUzWVI2WkhOWUhiRU9lU2I1VUFpVlZMN01KRk5fd2p6eXFudl9oQWpmeGpzNFlSZXBFX2FyUHIxNVF6MzkzX0lKcnloSWlJRkIzTjUzckxhVk95RjgzVFhvQXI3MklqcVVrNEcwemtnMnV5SXphN3A5Sm9vaF9US0lSNnE3UzRQcnpHN2dLZVdwWEV1cVg2OG9mSkJuMGdudzdzby1QRVM4RlY?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-01 20:49:00 Copyright for...

Tennis: Citi DC Open – News-Daily.com

Tennis: Citi DC Open News-Daily.com Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiqAFBVV95cUxOYkxtYmlPdHRFNlN0d2g0bF9FRGpNcW96Zm9jTVpvdlVLZTdkMmI5VndoVTVIU0Y4QzdsWUZRNG9NQl9xenB6Yk1JYV9iTDY5TnNYNzg5R0tVUDRaLVJUcEtFOWRuN0h2Mm1JTzNiZ3J3N1ZzTEUxaFhtZU9ETHlKS3gzblFxYUFBd2h5TTU1c0UyYWlIbm5xVENWcUdQNmJKVERVOUdlQmY?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-01 22:55:37 Copyright for syndicated content belongs to the linked...

Olympic golf men’s Round 1 was interrupted by lightning, twice. See...

Olympic golf men's Round 1 was interrupted by lightning, twice. See the leaderboard NBC New York Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimwFBVV95cUxNU1U4a3VWamNzSmp3Zkd6Q01TaVNCZEdYdGYwMHRNSk5VMVNkZDV1U1lkUXpIY2xaODFKNGZGSUZOSUtidEJ2NzJVZ0M4Y3N4aHNyakZzN0c4dnItVmJZcGRtYmxqT2lCSVEtNW9seEd5ZC1ZR3JfVDl0TjB2c0hGWXNDaE1JTlQ2czY2SGdhR1h2RWlfX2ZjSFdib9IBowFBVV95cUxNbHlCLXJrZFdDRHNNVDN6RkQtMnFKX2ZOdVdQNlZoUGhpcUc0TkZRMVY1S051MUQ5SzZ3NzFaM0xEcGo5SklYQTJ5cFhvY3FHajljUEtYUlpKUDFJZUIzUTg1U1Iyc3Zrdnpjem5jdFRVbTNVX1Q0SWQ4aXlGYThGTVc1TDhmTFRxRFkzNXN2VU9uakFFSEQ0aEcwSXJ2Mk5SaEZv?oc=5 Author : Publish...
British Open snooker: Jimmy White suffers defeat to Chris Totten as Neil Robertson eases through

British Open snooker: Jimmy White suffers defeat to Chris Totten as...

Jimmy 'Whirlwind' White suffered a 4-0 defeat on Thursday to Scotland's Chris Totten in the qualifying round for the British Open.The six-time world...

The Arthur Guinness Irish EBF Corrib Fillies Stakes (Listed) – Horse...

The Arthur Guinness Irish EBF Corrib Fillies Stakes of EUR52,500 (Listed Race). (Generously sponsored by Guinness and the Irish EBF (EUR10,000)) ... Source link...
Big hits and great catches - The Hundred plays of the day

Big hits and great catches – The Hundred plays of the...

Watch the best of the day's play as London Spirit take on Welsh Fire and Southern Brave face Manchester Originals on day ten...


... junte a nós no aplicativo! https://www.whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va9rgAbFMqrVG9okPM3J #Formula1 #Motorsport #PedroLamy #Senna #Imola1994. Source link : https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DV3m1NH7jQKQ Author : Publish date : 2024-08-01 20:35:23 Copyright for...

Craig Shakespeare: 1963-2024 – Leicester City

Craig Shakespeare: 1963-2024 Leicester City Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMibEFVX3lxTE82cXlQX1gyNW0wTy1rVkQyLUc5UzRpUzlLLS1ZQ29PX1FDSzlWbDFMS3JjOEdaaEdPR3FuSEJ3bXR1alZKY3I5WGFyTkc5WHlmejhuTnlPaW53U3g1QmpVSk9GYlhWTFFWMi04Mg?oc=5 Author : Publish date : 2024-08-01 20:06:03 Copyright for syndicated content belongs to the linked...

Andy Murray Drops Perfect One-Liner to End Tennis Career in Hilarious...

Andy Murray Drops Perfect One-Liner to End Tennis Career in Hilarious Fashion Sports Illustrated Source link : https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE5Yak5Fa00zbUpFUkkwN1NTN1dRazZvX053cEhJbGZSTjh6S21ISWQyUTNwNjNZd2xqV05MU1FnYkVFQWFxbGxzVVcwMXhOTWF6QkNDN1IyN05SZWFaNjEwaUozQWo2aW5PcTBTUnpzbXlNUnM2eERJVTZOMTQ4UQ?oc=5 Author : Publish date :...

Live updates: Simone Biles clinches another gold in individual all-around; Team...

Live updates: Simone Biles clinches another gold in individual all-around; Team USA wins gold in men's four rowing NBC Philadelphia Source link :...

A champion’s journey: Pankaj Advani’s path to cue sports mastery captivates...

A champion’s journey: Pankaj Advani's path to cue sports mastery captivates audience @ OAC 2024 M4G Team Source link : https://news.google.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?oc=5 Author : ...
Triathlon star who wants to win Tour de France by 2028 slams "amateurish" Olympic organisation after missing out on medal; Cycling silly season underway; Hope for active travel and proper cycle infrastructure?; Supermarket wars + more on the live blog

Triathlon star who wants to win Tour de France by 2028...

 Norwegian triathlon heavyweight Kristian Blummenfelt made headlines this week when the former Ironman champ and 2020 Olympic gold medal winner revealed his ambitious...