Shanghai Masters snooker recap – Judd Trump sizzles to claim title with impressive final win over Shaun Murphy

Shanghai Masters snooker recap – Judd Trump sizzles to claim title with impressive final win over Shaun Murphy


107-1 the winning margin in the final frame of the final as Shaun offers the handshake to his opponent. In the end, a comfortable victory for Judd as he claims the Shanghai Masters title for the first time. The outstanding player in the event this week with 10 centuries, a new record for the elite 24-man invitational competition. The splendid coveted trophy and a handsome cheque of £210,000 goes to the world No. 2 in China. Thanks for joining us today.

TRUMP 10-5 MURPHY (83-1)

But it is all over now. Trump is back at the table after we see the rare sight of Murphy miss with the rest on a tricky blue. Trump heading for the £210,000 first prize.

TRUMP 10-5 MURPHY (69-0)

Six reds left on table, and they all look ripe for the taking. Judd tucks in a red to right middle. In goes the blue to leave Murphy needing a snooker. 34 to go with earlier 35 from Trump in this frame. One snooker required for Murphy. A long cry of ‘C’mon Shaun’ is heard from the crowd. Just like Jimmy White in his prime. Match not yet a done deal.

TRUMP 10-5 MURPHY (48-0)

Lovely shot from Judd to slot the brown and comes around the angles to land perfectly on a red. This looks like it could be the beginning of the end for Murphy in this final.

TRUMP 10-5 MURPHY (35-0)

Trump picks out a brilliant double on a red early in the 16th frame. That could give him the chance to get this frame and final won in Shanghai. But he is out of position on 35. So just the safety to follow off the pack. Content to bide his time.

TRUMP 10-4 MURPHY (0-134)

And there you have it. A brilliant 101 from Shaun, his third century of the final amid an overall of six, the first time the Shanghai Masters final has witnessed six centuries. Scoring heavily is very much the theme of this invitational event. Judd leads 10-5.

TRUMP 10-4 MURPHY (0-76)

This looks like another frame heading towards the Murphy frames for column. Still a long, long way back, but fair play to Shaun for keeping his opponent honest. Trying to force Judd to win this final. Won’t be accepting defeat. This table looks ripe for scoring for whoever gets first access to the table.

TRUMP 10-4 MURPHY (0-36)

Murphy opens up the pack of reds with real injection of pace, but doesn’t land on the black. That is so unfortunate. Gasps and groans from the crowd as break ends on 33. But he is back at the business end of the table seconds later after floating in a fine long red. Nothing much wrong with his long game today either.

TRUMP 10-4 MURPHY (0-25)

Brilliant long red by Shaun early in this 15th frame. And he lands on the black. So first to the punch again in this frame. And scoring quickly too as he reaches 25 straight off the bat.

TRUMP 10-3 MURPHY (1-114)

On course for a century, his sixth of the tournament. And it is indeed another ton for Shaun. 110 this time, his second of the final, yet he trails 10-4 at the mid-session interval. A tough old school snooker at the elite level. All about Trump this final, who needs one more frame when they resume after the interval.

TRUMP 10-3 MURPHY (1-50)

Super pot on black to prod home the object ball, and white has plenty of action as it opens up the reds nicely. Glorious chance to claim his fourth frame of the final.

TRUMP 10-3 MURPHY (1-38)

Finally an opportunity for Shaun to assert himself. Playing for pride here, but bidding to extend this final beyond the mid-session break.

TRUMP 9-3 MURPHY (114-0)

114 of the very best from Judd, who is a frame away from the trophy and a cheque worth £210,000. Nice work if you can get it.

TRUMP 9-3 MURPHY (78-0)

Judd with chance of a 10th century of the tournament. Murphy almost resigned to his fate. Nothing you can do when the other bloke is at the table.

TRUMP 9-3 MURPHY (50-0)

Can smell the winning line here and is sprinting towards it as he slots blue to right centre, in and out of baulk via three cushions and back into the cluster of reds to keep the break going. A tough break, but has made it look easy. These conditions are obviously made for Trump’s style of play.


Murphy punches table as key frame in Shanghai Masters final slips away

TRUMP 9-3 MURPHY (25-0)

This final could be ancient history before the mid-session interval in Shanghai with Judd chasing two frames for victory. Golden chance again at the outset of the 13th frame as Shaun leaves a red escaping from a snooker. Such moments tend to spell bad news, and Shaun will be fearing the worst here. Judd with hand on table, and one hand on the trophy.

TRUMP 8-3 MURPHY (90-31)

Going through these balls like a hot knife to butter. Judd drops in the final tricky red to finish off this frame. Shaun won’t be coming back here. Has had chances in these first two frames of the night, but not taken and is paying the price. Now down by six. And almost down and out. A few exhibition shots too on his way to an 86 knock.

TRUMP 8-3 MURPHY (32-31)

Well, fair to say the run of the ball isn’t going for Shaun as he tries to run up behind a red playing safe off a top cushion, but somehow leaves the red to left centre bag. And suddenly Judd is gifted a chance to move further clear in the race to 11. Is hoovering up these balls too. Has been all week.

TRUMP 8-3 MURPHY (0-31)

No one-visit hit this time from Shaun as he reaches 31 before the break comes to an end. Surely the end is nigh if he loses this frame.

TRUMP 8-3 MURPHY (0-25)

Murphy hit back from 8-5 down against Selby in the semi-finals, and is looking for another big five-frame burst today. Still life in this match yet, but Murphy really needs to score and quickly. At table at moment. And slots a fine red along top cushion to keep break going after reds didn’t open too well off blue.

TRUMP 7-3 MURPHY (73-37)

And Murphy’s hopes are over in this frame as Judd picks out a nice double on the yellow to finish off matters. Shaun stays in his seat. Judd now three frames short of the title and a £210,000 winner’s cheque.

TRUMP 7-3 MURPHY (71-29)

Judd inching towards regaining a five-frame lead in this final. Murphy with so many chances, didn’t take any of them and suddenly Judd is one red away from 8-3. In behind the red to right centre. Down it goes, and that should be a done deal. A 42-point lead as final red stays out with rest down a side rail. Shaun needing two snookers.

TRUMP 7-3 MURPHY (25-29)

Well, it doesn’t rain but it pours for Shaun as he ends up seeing a white bury itself in a left middle bag trying to run safe back up table. Clips blue and goes in off. That won’t help his mood. Power passes to the Juddernaut.

TRUMP 7-3 MURPHY (6-29)

Frustrations boiling over out there as Murphy breaks down for a third time among the balls, and ends up punching the table. Far from happy with himself or his cue ball. But manages to contain his thought process in playing a decent safety. Huge frame here in context of final.

TRUMP 7-3 MURPHY (6-5)

Mid-range red for Trump sees him miss the pot by a fair bit. And Murphy slots a lovely long red of his own by firing into the reds off the brown. Murphy chasing a third straight frame on the bounce. But forced to run safe as pack doesn’t open cleanly.

TRUMP 7-3 MURPHY (6-0)

Welcome back to the evening session in Shanghai. Almost ready to get rocking and rolling with this final. Great reception for both players. First to 11 becomes champion. Trump breaks off the second session of the match. And he cans a long red seconds later. Brilliant long pot.


Trump and Murphy get Shanghai crowd laughing with animated exchange over ball placement


It’s Judd Trump in the driving seat but the mini revival from Murphy right at the death there means The Magician could yet make a final of this if he has a strong start to the evening session in Shanghai.

That gets underway from 12:30 BST where the winner of the 2024 title will eventually be crowned.


Murphy maintains his momentum into the final frame of this session as he opens with a brilliant red to allow him to prey upon a succession of red-black combos below the pack.

He loses position ever so slightly, close to the lower right rail and needs a deft cut and good judgement of pace to land perfectly on the black and get back on track.

Another excellent red sees him navigate around the splintered pack and topside of blue to come full circle and attack another flurry of red-blacks from the left side.

It does the heavy lifting and frame ball is despatched courtesy of a black to the left corner. From there it’s all about how much of a statement he’ll make heading into the final session…

Rest assured, it’s an emphatic one as he recovers from some misfortune on a split of the final two reds to drill one long to the yellow pocket. The black seals the century and he clears up to the pink, almost signing off with an ‘around-the-world’ black that just fails to land in the left corner pocket.


It was Judd laying all of the traps around that final red, but he gets an ugly kiss on another safety and leaves it on to the yellow pocket.

Murphy drills it into the bag and rolls the yellow to the green bag. The green is a longer task down to the left corner and he despatches, but his positional play is horrible and he needs to conjure up a sumptuous cut on the brown down to middle left.

He can’t find the target with a long blue down the right rail, but when Judd makes a mess of another safety, he manages to stun it down to the yellow bag.

He can’t quite tease down the pink to the right corner but at this juncture, Trump is too far behind and Murphy finally gets back on the board.

TRUMP 7-1 MURPHY (48-56)

Trump belts down the red to the left corner but then butchers an attempt on the green by making the cue ball jump.

There’s a gasp of surprise all around and Shaun plays to the audience again by patting his heart and puffing out his cheeks as if to suggest he thought he was going to be hit by the white as it went airborne!

TRUMP 7-1 MURPHY (47-56)

There’s a foul and miss from Shaun, who shows he’s still a very good sport by joking with the crowd as they advise him on how to approach his second attempt. He laughs and offers his cue to one member of the audience before avoiding a second foul.

However, Trump remains in the box seat in the safety exchange and lures another foul and a miss.

Worse still, there’s a red on for Judd…

TRUMP 7-1 MURPHY (36-56)

‘Go on, Shaun!’ – is the shout from the audience, but the Comms on Eurosport 1 quite rightly point out that it’s belated support for a man who is now – clearly – a major underdog here.

The Magician finally gets his Mojo flowing and produces some super snooker, easing a red away from what remains of the pack to take position for another to the right corner.

He continues to motor through some fine shot-making, even managing to nudge the black off the right rail that will surely make life easier if he maintains his stride here.

Sadly for him – and those wanting to see a competitive final – he doesn’t.

The cue ball overruns to the right rail and means a red down that cushion to the corner is pretty tricky. He teases it towards the pocket, but the ball jiggles with the jaws and stays out. The run of 56 won’t be enough as it stands with three reds left in play.

Trump knocks it down in riposte but can’t do much more beyond a black off its spot and he retreats to baulk with two reds remaining.

TRUMP 7-1 MURPHY (28-0)

A penny for Shaun Murphy’s thoughts…

Trump has taken advantage of The Magician’s array of errors but he’s also playing some wonderful snooker now. It wasn’t the case at first and Murphy will rue not making The Ace in the Pack working harder for this massive lead.

Shaun’s inner monologue must have said: ‘of course, he fires down a sizzling long red. Of course, he develops it with a blue and a wonderful cut on a red to the corner right…’

But he probably wouldn’t have predicted Judd running out of position on 28 with the cue ball tight amidst the pack.

It means Murphy will get to come to the table, but he’ll have to win a safety exchange to have the chance to build anything.


Judd is in again when he gets the right blend of pace and precision to sizzle down a tricky down from baulk to middle right.

He plays off the blue to keep the board ticking and continues to return to that colour to move within range of another frame.

Indeed, he passes that marker with four reds to go and Murphy is made to again stay rooted to his seat.

The Juddernaut is living up to his name as he continues his charge towards the title and a break of 49 puts him within four frames of his maiden triumph in Shanghai.

Murphy produced a sensational recovery against Mark Selby earlier in the tournament, but he’s going to need something even better to deny Judd now.

TRUMP 6-1 MURPHY (36-0)

It could be suggested that Judd isn’t even firing on all cylinders yet.

The chasm on the scoreboard is more a reflection of Shaun’s travails, but this frame is all about Trump to begin with.

A bullet, long red and a green to its home pocket put him in charge, but he doesn’t quite get the cannon into the pack he was hoping for on a break of 36 and opts to play safe off the yellow in baulk.


Shaun cuts a red to the middle left, splits the pack and then watches on gloomily as the cue ball arrows into the left corner. It sums up his session.

Trump capitalises with a red to that same bag and then recovers an immediate loss of position with a long yellow. A flurry of red-black combos south of the pack develop his advantage further before he takes on a green to its home pocket to redesign his break. A red to middle left, the blue and lovely position to take a red down the right rail put him back in prime position around the black.

A clever pot on the black helps him nudge one red free and he takes on the red at the bottom of the remainder of the pack to the right corner.

With four reds remaining he once again passes frame ball, methodically making use of the pink and black to pick off the rest of the pack and then breeze through the colours off their spots to complete a sublime 122 clearance.


It’s more disappointment for Shaun.

Judd takes on a speculative yellow from distance and cuts it beautifully into the right corner.

He pops the green to its home pocket with Murphy now needing a minor miracle.

Still, the Magician returns to the table and knocks in the brown. He tries to play a snooker on the blue, but he can’t quite hide it behind the pink and Judd pulls off another clever pot to the right corner. He goes for a Hollywood attempt on the pink that doesn’t pay off, but it matters little as the Juddernaut’s charge continues.

TRUMP 4-1 MURPHY (63-39)

Murphy has struggled badly but has still produced moments of genius.

He does that here with an incredible long-range plant on a red up to the green pocket that he backs up with a deliciously paced black down the rail.

It’s far from a routine clearance though and the colours are all over the shop. He clears the final two reds, but can’t pull off another long-ranger on the yellow down to the left corner.

It’s end of break with Trump just needing the yellow to avoid being the victim of the steal!

TRUMP 4-1 MURPHY (63-15)

Murphy produces another piece of magic with a delicious pot on the pink, but he doesn’t get the cannon he wants into a mini pack of three. He leaves it at that and retreats to baulk for both players still in the hunt with three reds remaining.


From incredible fluke to ‘the worst miss of Murphy’s career’ in Shanghai Masters final

TRUMP 4-1 MURPHY (63-8)

It’s just not happening for Shaun so far today.

Another aberration hands Judd the opportunity to put this frame to bed and it looks like will do just that until a surprising miss on a pink up to middle left – on frame ball – gives Murphy another opportunity to get something going here.

TRUMP 4-1 MURPHY (55-8)

Trump accepts another gift via that miss on the brown to exploit the stray reds around the pink, happily playing off the blue to make the first substantial run of the frame.

For now, the black is out of commission close to the left rail, but it has nothing to do with the sudden lapse from the Juddernaut as he mulls over a red to the left corner before misjudging it to end his run at 46 and hand Shaun a half chance.

TRUMP 4-1 MURPHY (9-8)

Judd slaps away a red and clips in a brown to the green pocket, but a nasty ricochet means there’s no chance of extending the break without significant risk.

Murphy earns a roar of delight from the crowd when he rockets a tough red down the right rail and into the corner but he can’t develop anything beyond that with a disappointing miss on the brown.

TRUMP 4-1 MURPHY (4-7)

There’s a tense safety to kick off Frame 6.

Trump threads the eye of a needle with a defensive shot off the left rail that somehow evades all of the reds he could nick and tickles the side of the black – Foul!

Fortunately for the man also nicknamed The Ace in the Pack, he doesn’t leave anything on.

Indeed, Murphy’s troubles far outweigh his own, which is further exemplified when a long red up to the yellow pocket jiggles the jaws leaving Shaun to turn and watch in dismay as the cue ball shows it how tis done by rolling into the middle.


‘One of the finest you’ll ever see’ – Trump’s magnificent positional shot in Shanghai Masters final


Judd exploits the howler from The Magician, frequently turning to the blue to prey upon the remaining reds before sizzling down a black to the left corner to leave his opponent needing snookers.

The Juddernaut ensures Murphy will stew a little longer in his seat as he completes a 100 clearance to move three clear.

TRUMP 3-1 MURPHY (9-22)

Trump offers up the foul and leaves the cue ball in prime position around the array of inviting reds.

Shaun looks to knock in a simple red to the left corner … but my oh my, that is some miss! The red refuses to go down and literally everyone inside the venue is left rubbing their eyes in disbelief.

TRUMP 3-1 MURPHY (9-17)

Murphy attacks a red down the left rail, sees it fly right, crash into the pack and send another red into the right corner.

The table is wide open now and Shaun has played a snooker behind the yellow. Trouble for Trump!

TRUMP 3-1 MURPHY (9-17)

Shaun rattles the jaws of the green pocket and is left wondering how the rocket of a red failed to find its destination.

Trump earns a gasp of delight from the audience with an audacious double on that same red to the middle left. There’s little on in terms of break-building but he does lay the snooker behind the yellow that earns a foul from his opponent.

Murphy again comes off the baulk and upper left deck via the rest to try and lick a red north-west, but offers up another foul before finally getting the flick he desired.

TRUMP 3-1 MURPHY (0-17)

The Magician pulls a bit of a rabbit out of the hat with a sublime double to the middle right. He backs it up with a delicate cut on a black to the right corner but is left exasperated when his attempt to split the pack leaves him way shy of landing on the black. He reluctantly opts for caution and a run that could have been so much more ends on 17.

TRUMP 3-1 MURPHY (56-50)

There’s drama around the blue as Judd leaves a pot on up to the green pocket after blowing a risky double.

Shaun can’t take advantage as his long attempt is some way off hitting its target.

It’s Murphy who blinks first in the up-and-down safety as he leaves a long blue from left to right for Judd to step in and scorch it down. The pink follows and Trump leads 3-1 at the mid-session interval.

TRUMP 2-1 MURPHY (56-50)

Murphy nails a long red to the right corner and Judd has that sinking feeling in his chair.

There’s a good lay of balls for The Magician and he coolly takes care of the remaining reds, easing the final one up to the middle left and repeating the trick with the pink to move up to the colours.

He overruns potting the yellow to green pocket but he gets the angle on the brown still with a lovely slice of left side.

He can’t find an angle for the pot on the blue tight to the upper right cushion and has to play safe on a break of 46.

TRUMP 2-1 MURPHY (56-4)

Judd pulls off a shot for nothing but then has some awful luck with a green down to middle left that ends with the cue ball following the colour into the bag via a nick off the brown.

TRUMP 2-1 MURPHY (55-0)

Murphy’s travails with the rest continue as he fails to jab a loose, mid-range red to the left corner.

Judd steps in and drills one from the opposite side to the same bag with more success before weaving his way top-side of blue. He considers the attempted split but edges above a stray red instead and uses the rest to thunder it to the right corner while gaining an more emphatic cannon into the pack.

A blue up to the yellow pocket helps him achieve prime position and a sequence of red-pinks build a steady advantage.

A red to the left corner should leave him on the pink to the opposite bag but he overruns and is clearly very frustrated with himself. It’s end of break at 55 with the finish line so tantalisingly close.


Trump attempts an explosive long red and misses by some distance. The collateral damage could be costly as it rips apart some of the pack and leaves the cue ball in an opportune position for his opponent.

Shaun belatedly finds his groove with a series of red-black combos helping to score efficiently and that miss does indeed look fatal from Judd’s point of view.

A superb red via the rest arrows to the left corner and delicious left side takes him on to the black.

Frame ball comes and go via more routine work off red-blacks into the corners and Shaun allows himself a smile as the crowd cheer with a 147 still up for grabs.

Sadly, for The Magician his hopes fade on a break of 89 when he can’t quite angle a tough cut on a black to the right corner via the rest, but the bigger picture is that he’s had a good spell at the table and is now on the board.


Judd lures a foul with a snooker up behind the yellow, but Shaun refuses to throw in the towel.

He continues to plug away in search of three snookers, but Trump gets in again and a break of 21 puts it beyond any doubt.

TRUMP 1-0 MURPHY (60-12)

Judd seizes upon the donation as he eases a red to the right corner to kick off another solid run.

There’s a concern around the 30-mark as he finishes the wrong side of the blue, but he produces a lovely recovery pot to the middle right, coming off two cushions and avoiding the brown to land neatly on a red down to the corner.

Alarm bells ring again when he is careless with position for a second time, but he pulls off a belting blue down to the right corner, coming off two cushions and somehow judging the pace to perfection to line up a cut on a red to the same corner.

A run of 59 puts him out of sight, but Murphy returns in search of snookers…

TRUMP 1-0 MURPHY (1-12)

Shaun builds some semblance of rhythm with a sequence of red-green-red-pink-red, but then blows a make-able pink to the right corner with the rest.

The Magician hasn’t got his spellbinding act together just yet.

TRUMP 1-0 MURPHY (1-0)

It’s a strange old table early on in Frame 2.

The green and blue somehow find their way up to the baulk colours with the pack bunched in a line across the bottom third of the table almost acting like a shield to the black.

There’s frowns aplenty etched on both players’ faces and Judd’s deepens when he gambles on a red down to the middle left and sees the cue ball burrow into the pack.

Initially, he navigates out of trouble but a safety goes awry when he catches the jaw of the middle right pocket on his way back up to baulk. The cue ball comes to a halt mid-table and it’s advantage Shaun…


Judd is the more settled out there and it shows on the board.

It’s not an orthodox table with the black near the bottom rail and the pink on the black spot.

A clever pot on the green to its home pocket brings him down the left to take a red along the rail and into the corner.

A lovely weight of shot navigates him below the black to the bottom deck where he slips a tricky red to the left bag. It’s a super shot on frame ball and, although he can’t find a way to pot the final red close to the right cushion near the middle pocket, his break of 41 is enough to secure the first frame of this final.

TRUMP 0-0 MURPHY (22-9)

Is the occasion playing a role in this opener?

Neither player is hitting anywhere near the heights that got them to this showpiece occasion and that fact is exemplified by a shaky miss on a very make-able green to its own pocket from Shaun.

TRUMP 0-0 MURPHY (22-1)

Trump nicks a red way north of the pack to middle left and works his way down to exploit a loosened pack with a clinical pink.

The 2019 World Champion ticks along nicely at first but begins to struggle to maintain position and a risky attempt on a long blue up to the green pocket doesn’t pay off to end his run on 22.

TRUMP 0-0 MURPHY (0-1)

The Magician fires down the first pot of the final as he cuts a long red to the left corner.

A yellow across to the green pocket seems like meat and drink but the early butterflies show as he fails to tease it down, leaving the door ajar for Judd.


Intros done and the boys are at the baulk. It’s the best of 21 frames with the winner taking home the trophy and the significant pay cheque.



Hello and welcome to our LIVE updates from the final at the Shanghai Masters. We’ve got a big match coming your way from 07:00 BST as the first session of Shaun Murphy against Judd Trump begins.

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Publish date : 2024-07-22 01:36:20

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